KCCGA’s Strategy to Slow Chronic Kidney Disease Progression

After implementing initiatives to succeed in the value-based Kidney Care Choices model, the team at Kidney Care Center of Georgia (KCCGA) saw Chronic Care Management (CCM) as the next evolution to help patients under both fee-for-service and value-based models.

Eastern Connecticut Hematology & Oncology

ECHO’s patients had diverse needs that
required personalized care
, but scaling
between-visit care seemed impossible. A turnkey Connected Care service line helped them scale for better patient care and documentation.

DENT Neurologic Institute

DENT’s growing nursing team still couldn’t keep up with patient needs between visits, until they started texting through Phamily Connected Care.

Chronic Care Management for Oncology Patients

An elderly woman and man hug each other; the woman is wearing a headscarf and a nasal cannula. She is also holding a cellphone, and a blue message bubble floats above her head. They are surrounded by soothing floral motifs in green and orange.

Sarah had her first cigarette when she was 13. For the past few years, she has struggled with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease. And today, you held her hand and told her that she has Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)…

Most Promising Healthcare AI Startups of 2024, According to VCs

The first article in this series interviewed companies that give patients a voice somehow in the development of AI models affecting health care. I talked to several other companies that try in various ways to improve the typical use of patient input developing AI.

“Help! Thousands of my neurology patients want care management!”

When Katie Ross launched a Connected Care service at DENT Neurologic Institute, over 1000 patients joined within the first 48 hours. “When you hear ‘a thousand patients’, at least from my operational mind, that sounds like a lot of work that somebody needs to do,” said Ross, the Director of Clinical Operations…