“Help! Thousands of my neurology patients want care management!”

When Katie Ross launched a Connected Care service at DENT Neurologic Institute, over 1000 patients joined within the first 48 hours. “When you hear ‘a thousand patients’, at least from my operational mind, that sounds like a lot of work that somebody needs to do,” said Ross, the Director of Clinical Operations.

Debunking Myths about Chronic Care Management

Debunking CCM Myths

Your patients want Chronic Care Management. Your practice is already doing the work (perhaps unpaid and inefficiently). So why let myths about CCM prevent your practice from delivering great between-visit care — profitably? We interviewed Amy Knighton, CEO of Savannah Neurology Specialists, about how she implemented Chronic Care Management — twice. She debunks some common CCM myths.

Chronic Care Management (CCM) For Neurology

Less than 1% of neurologists are compensated for between-visit care under the Medicare Chronic Care Management (CCM) program - let's fix that!

Neurologists provide extensive between-visit care to their patients with chronic conditions – but only 0.37% are earning fair compensation for that care through Medicare’s Chronic Care Management (CCM) Program…